I grew up in Rugby, ND. Throughout high school my life revolved around sports. I played volleyball, basketball, and also ran and jumped in track. After high school I had colleges asking me to play for them, but I decided to retire from sports and focus on my education. Education is hard for me because I have learning disabilities, such as jumping eye syndrome, a form of ADD, and some deficiencies that if I don’t stay on top of them, will affect my health and my ability to focus in class. I am going to college at BSC and I am double majoring. I am on my second year of Graphic Design and Communications which also includes photography, and for my second major I am doing secondary education online. I want to be a FACS teacher, a home economics teacher, so I can teach kids the skills I had to learn the hard way. Which includes dong the laundry, cooking, changing at flat tire, checking the oil in your car, taking out a loan, paying taxes, etc. I want to teach and help others, but a first time teacher doesn’t make very much, so I could have a side hustle of graphic design or photography, and also in the summers when I am not working as a teacher I can work as a graphic designer or photographer.
While doing a photography assignment in college I discovered a rope fence. If taken at the right angle will guide your eye through the picture causing you to want to see more.
Cruising around in a pickup with my cousin and her dogs, checking cows, was a perfect place for a picture. Not too much grass, no crazy cows waiting to charge at you, and with a perfect lighting.
The friendliest red horse to ever live, posing perfectly for a picture while his friends are coming from behind waiting for their turn.
A silky white sheet crumpled so it almost looks like a rose. A beautiful diamond ring placed in the middle expressing its worth.
A old-fashioned light bulb hanging by the window. Showing its warmth against the snowy, cold outside.
A bible with its pages bent into a heart. Background blurring and disappearing.
Created as a class assignment. Was made in Adobe After Effects.
Created as a class assignment. Was made in Adobe Premiere Pro.