
Hello, I’m Brandon

Graphic Design & Communications

Design is not just about aesthetics, but also function and purpose.

Who am I?

I’m a graphic designer born and raised in North Dakota with professional experience at the ND State Auditor’s Office and the Bismarck State College Mystician Newspaper. With the experience from these jobs, and the knowledge I’ve learned in the BSC Graphic Design & Communications program I work to create visually appealing designs that are able to convey a message. Design is not just about aesthetics, but also function and purpose.

Sam McQuade Softball T-Shirt

Jekyll & Hyde Play Poster


Kinetic Sans Font

BSC Graphic Design Poster

Minnehaha Falls

Logo Animation Bumper

Premiere Pro Tutorial Video


Communications Intern  @  North Dakota State Auditors Office
Apr. 2024 to Jul. 2024

Responsible for creating and preparing graphics for audit reports and general design projects, including info-graphics, nameplates, logos photographs, and icons, as well as layout for said audit reports.

Designer  @  Bismarck State College Newspaper: The Mystician
Sept. 2023 to Apr. 2024

Responsible for creating and preparing graphics for the newspaper including info-graphics, photographs, and advertisements as well as general layout of the newspaper. Creating a series of advertisements for Mystic Media including The Myx radio show and Mysticast variety show.


Bismarck State College

AAS – Graphic Design & Communications
Estimated Graduation May 2025


Experience in layout and layout design through work at the BSC newspaper, ND State Auditors Office, and BSC Public Affairs.

Logo Design

Experience creating strong logo designs through freelance work and personal practice.


Experience in professional photography such as headshots and public / personal events.


Experience with Illustration through professional work at the BSC newspaper, State Auditor’s Office, and BSC Public Affairs